Reinder Haakma (MSc Electrical Engineering, 1985, University of Twente; PhD, 1998, Technical University Eindhoven) is a principal scientist at Philips in Eindhoven. He joined Philips in 1987. Within Philips Research he has been a team leader of various research and innovation activities in wearable technologies and remote patient monitoring. He is active in a number of EU (incl. the ITEA projects Inno4Health and RM4Health) and national (incl. BECA) partnership projects. His expertise focusses on translating data from wearable sensors to clinically relevant insights.
Summary of the contribution: Making a Transition from healthcare to care for health – Inno4Health
The ITEA project Inno4Health aims to stimulate innovation in continuous monitoring in healthcare and sports. In healthcare, remote, continuous monitoring provides information to patients and their treating physicians e.g. regarding readiness for surgery and early-but-safe hospital discharge after invasive treatment. In sports, fitness monitoring provides information to athletes and their coaches for maximum peak performance during competitions while preventing injuries and overtraining.
New sensor technologies enable unobtrusive, continuous monitoring of personal physiological parameters in daily life circumstances. New communication and IoT technologies facilitate timely sharing of that information. New software and data analytics tools facilitate proper interpretation of the information to create actionable insights both for patients and athetes.
Reinder Haakma
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