Managing Director of Stichting Health ClusterNET

Prof. Joanna Jane works across the spectrum from care for health to healthcare. Since before the 2007-2009 economic/financial crashes, she has collaborated with others to build the case for shifting from a hospital-based care model to more intersectoral care for health. In doing this, SHCN acts as an intermediary helping researchers, health care providers, industry and active citizens to work together to co-create solutions. Currently, she is working on 2 projects that inform the shift to care for health from two perspectives: DIGIT-PRE focused on generating consumer-oriented technological solutions for prevention, prediction and remote care; Invest4Health focused on new financial and business models for smart capacitating investment in health promotion and disease prevention.

SHCN is in its 3rd iteration since its launch in 2005 as an Interreg IIIC funded network operation. She founded SHCN and has led it since then refining its operational focus. As Managing Director, she has built and leads a multinational and interdisciplinary team that is a partner in EU funded projects and act as external evaluators and advisers to various European and international organisations. In addition, Joanna is asked to co-write proposals to secure funding to: (i) develop and test solutions in the cancer field that lead to better prevention and less invasive treatments (ii) maturation funding for non-profit organisations growing as European leaders in under-funded health fields. She is also: Professor at the Centre for Health & Technology, University of South Eastern Norway; Senior EU Advisor at Norway Health Tech; Senior Expert in interregional innovation with REGIO-CEI-AMI. Previously she was: Special Professor for Health & Public Policy, School of Community Health Sciences University of Nottingham; Lay Member of the University Court at Edinburgh Napier University; Director of Research and Evaluation at the Health Education Board for Scotland; Visiting Professor of Public Health Policy, University of York.

Joanne Lane