This year, for the first time, an ELIS Innovation Week for Sports & Vitality is being organised, the highlight of which is the already well-known annual ELIS Innovation Summit. The ELIS Innovation Week for Sports & Vitality will bring together various events and initiatives that contribute to innovations in the field of sports and vitality. The aim is to create awareness around ELIS Innovation Hub’s three core programme lines:
@Public Spaces
In the future, ELIS Innovation Week for Sports & Vitality will also be expanded to include @School and @Home.
Within the week various events will take place where experts from different fields will share their approaches, perspectives and developments and solutions.
20-4-2022 | High Tech Campus
Binnen de ELIS Innovation Hub werken het bedrijfsleven, overheden, kennisinstellingen en organisaties uit de maatschappij en de sport samen voor een actieve en gezonde samenleving. Tijdens de summit komt dit netwerk bij elkaar om kennis te delen, elkaar te inspireren en nieuwe samenwerking op te starten.
De ELIS Innovation Summit, voorheen het Sport Innovatie Congres, vindt plaats op 20 april 2022 op de High Tech Campus in Eindhoven. Met keynotes, kennissessies, innovaties en volop netwerkmogelijkheden. Met innovatieve oplossingen en technologische ontwikkelingen binnen de domeinen sport, public spaces en work.
Our team is dedicated to crafting an exceptional experience that will inspire, educate, and connect you with the latest innovations.
Stay Informed: We understand your eagerness to learn more about the program’s exact schedule, sessions, and speakers. To keep you up-to-date, we’ll be sharing all the exciting updates and announcements through our official social media channels. Be sure to follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter for real-time updates and insights.
Peter Sprenger
CEO Techonomy Sports & voorzitter Nevobo
Marianne Timmer OLY
Jimmy Hermans
CEO & Co-Founder CityLegends
The ELIS Innovation Summit marks the culmination of the ELIS Innovation Week for Sports and Vitality where different domains come together and interact. The Summit builds on the long tradition of annual innovation events and meetings organized by Cluster Sports & Technology since 2004, each year with a different angle and theme.
This year, the theme of the ELIS Summit is: Innovation Crossing Borders for Sports & Vitality.
Innovation requires transcending traditional ways of thinking, showing creativity and breaking through constraints. It means exploring new paths and learning from the experiences of others, while finding the right partners to create wonderful things together.
Finding the right partners, building networks and forging partnerships is essential. By connecting excellence and ambitions, we can achieve success in innovation projects, market development and obtaining funding.
During this week, you will gain deeper insight into the organizations within the ELIS Innovation Hub and other involved and relevant parties, and be introduced to the latest innovations and developments in sport and vitality. You will be inspired and motivated to develop new ideas and create lasting impact. In addition, it will give you an opportunity to expand your network and establish possible partnerships.
“Well-organized conference. The speakers and topics covered were undeniably interesting.”
“I found it to be a substantively robust congress with a diverse program.”
“Well-catered, engaging, and featuring high-caliber participants among both speakers and attendees.”
“I gained a multitude of new and innovative ideas during the ELIS Innovation Summit.”
Kom jij net als ruim 250 andere professionals op 20 april naar de High Tech Campus? Meld je dan vandaag nog aan!
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