ELIS Innovation Summit 2023 a Great Success!

On Wednesday, September 20th, the ELIS Innovation Summit 2023 took place at the High Tech Campus in Eindhoven. Over 200 professionals from the business sector, government, educational institutions, and organizations in society and sports were in attendance. Sport and vitality remained high on the agenda of the conference this year, but there was also a… Continue reading ELIS Innovation Summit 2023 a Great Success!

AmiGo by Tech2Play wins the 13th Dutch Sports Innovation Award 2023

EINDHOVEN, September 20, 2023 – During the ELIS Innovation Summit for Sports & Vitality in Eindhoven today, AmiGo by Tech2Play was announced as the winner of the 13th Dutch Sports Innovation Award 2023, valued at €15,000. Founder Michiel van der Boom received the award from Peter Kentie, a member of the independent jury, and Maes… Continue reading AmiGo by Tech2Play wins the 13th Dutch Sports Innovation Award 2023

Innovatie voor vitaliteit belangrijker dan ooit tevoren!

Op woensdag 20 april 2022 kwamen ruim 200 professionals vanuit het bedrijfsleven, overheden, kennisinstellingen en organisaties uit de maatschappij en sport samen tijdens de ELIS Innovation Summit op de High Tech Campus in Eindhoven. En niet voor niks: want innovatie in de vitaliteit van de samenleving is belangrijker dan ooit, op het werk, in de… Continue reading Innovatie voor vitaliteit belangrijker dan ooit tevoren!